The Hay Fever Season
As Hay Fever is a reaction to pollens or spores, so the season is governed by the time of year that each plant flowers. Generally speaking, the Hay Fever season can be split into three sections and each of these may show a different symptom in each individual sufferer.
Tree pollens - these are usually released from March to May but can start as early as February. The most common culprits are the Birch and Oak.
Grass pollens - For most Hay Fever sufferers it is grass pollen that usually causes the worst symptoms and greatest discomfort. These pollens appear between May and September but are at their highest levels in June and July.
Weed Pollens and Fungal Spores. These tend to be a problem for sufferers from late Summer and into Autumn.
*In accordance with the ASA and CAP it must be pointed out that the single point stimulation of the LI-11 point has not been clinically proven to relieve the symptoms of hay fever and allergic rhinitis.